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Israeli pride.  An innovative development with regards to babies' twisted feet. Children orthopedics is evolving with no need for casts or surgery.

UNFO MED Company was introduced this week during the thirty-third Orthopedics Conference held in Tel-Aviv. The company was previously titled one of Israel's promising companies in the Med in Israel Conference.  


What are the various ways of treating Metatarsus Adductus? Introducing a unique, easy-to- use solution, developed and manufactured in Israel, which solves the problem perfectly. 

Metatarsus Adductus is common amongst babies and is usually caused by the position of the baby in the womb. The baby's feet look like two halves moon bending towards one another. Up until today there has been no effective solution to this problem. The common treatment is the use of a special splint or casting of the foot till the baby turns 9 months old.


The cast is changed once a fortnight. The casts are outdated and were originally designated for a graver problem called Clubfoot. Usually the cast or splint is used till the baby starts walking. This obsolete and awkward treatment leads many families and doctors to avoid treatment due to the cumbersome process of changing the casts once a fortnight which is performed by a specialist doctor at a hospital or qualified stuff at a special ward. This tiresome process also requires preparation prior to the hospital visit. The process lasts for weeks and weeks and also involves dealing with hygienic issues related to the baby's stool and urine. When plastic casts are used the changing of casts is done by sawing which might cause injuries to the baby's feet.


In other cases, doctors recommend physiotherapy sessions at home, hoping to achieve some improvement. In such cases the responsibility falls on the parents rather than on the doctor. In the worst case scenarios, parents are sent home, being told that "there is no need for treatment, it will improve by itself". Indeed, sometimes the problem is solved without treatment, but in most cases it doesn't. One can never know in which case the problem will resolve itself and in which case the baby will continue to suffer from the problem and its side-effects in the future.


We are proud to introduce: a new, easy-to-use and effective solution to Metatarsus Adductus, made in Israel.

A one-of-a-kind biomechanical shoe which completely solves the problem. It is light, simple and elegant and has a unique feature – the shoe is worn below the ankle.

UNFO MED Ltd. which developed the footwear is an ISO 13485-certified orthopedic company.

The company was founded by Dr. Izak Daizade, a specialist in the field of orthopedic surgery with over 35 years of experience in the field. UNFO MED is the manufacturer of the revolutionary orthopedic system for newborn feet. The system is based on the expertise of Dr. Daizada in pediatric surgery. Dr. Daizade developed a treatment for Metatarsus Adductus and Clubfoot in newborns and is nowadays promoting this revolutionary treatment.



According to the company's owners there is no longer a reason to make do with answers such as "it will be fine" or "perhaps the problem will go away with time". You no longer have to go through the exhausting archaic treatments or complicated surgeries. The most important thing is to identify the problem at an early stage and start treating it with UNFO Foot Brace, preferably before the child is 6 months old. At a later stage it is much more difficult and complicated to treat the problem and it might even be impossible to do so.


What could happen if the child is not treated at all?   

According to Dr. Daizade it might cause future side effects which are usually reflected in footwear fitting, frequent wear and tear of shoes, calluses, pains, toes deformation and other orthopedic and aesthetic problems. It is easier to deal with the problem when the babies are younger and their skeleton is softer. You don't need to take the risk and see what the future holds.

Dr. Daizade adds that he is very proud that Israeli children are the first to enjoy this innovative treatment.


For further information :

Tel: 03-5010383

Address: 52 Weizmann Street, Holon


Photos provided by UNFO MED