On Friday morning, 6 September at the Jerusalem Theatre, a reception was hosted by the ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the State of Israel, H.E. Ms. Pannabha Chandraramya, featuring the foremost figure in Asian fashion photography, Mr Nat Prakobsantisuk entitled "Be-Live", on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries.
The ambassador opened the exhibition by thanking all present and welcoming Mr. Nat Prakobsantisuk on his second visit to Israel. She dolefully emphasized her condolences to all hostages and their families and mentioned their release. She, voluntarily, has not finished her tour in Israel as she feels deeply responsible for the remaining 6 Thai hostages still in captivity and did not feel entirely comfortable passing on this predicament to her successor. She thanked the management of the Jerusalem Theatre and mentioned Mrs.Tali Friedman in helping to make it possible for the exhibition to be held at the Theatre.
Warmly welcomed was Mr. Naor Shiri, a member of Knesset and head of the Israel - Thailand Friendship parliamentary group who responded that it was a privilege for him to be present.
H.E. Ms Chandraramya stated that "The Exhibition is Homage to a Landscape" with metaphorical significance as the photographer's content was primarily scenes of places of worship including churches, mosques and the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. He also has numerous photographs of Buddhist temples in Thailand and of worshipers "His Intention is an Attempt to Create a Deeper Understanding Between Two Peoples and is Not Only a Celebration of 70 Years of Bilateral Relations".
The ambassador asked me to inform readers that viewing to the public is until Monday, 30 September and that the proceeds of all sales will be donated by the Embassy and by Mr. Prakobsantisuk to the Jewish National Fund (K.K.L) who will use the money to plant trees in various forests owned by the Foundation. A great deal of forestry has suffered severe damage as a result of explosions and deliberate fire during the incumbent war.
When I introduced myself to Mr. Prakobsantisuk with the intention of hearing the motivating force and philosophy inspiring his work,he informed me that he creates "hypothetical realities" which can exist in any life situation. His belief is essentially Buddhist and "The Acceptance of Freedom of Religion and Personal Belief is a Necessary Right of Everyone to be Respected by Others". The "Dignity of Difference and Respect Without Dogma" being a central pillar of his belief system. His work is marked by a strong sense of empathy and narrative of his unique style. He poignantly stated that "Buddhism Believes in Changing the Protagonist and Not in Influencing, Judging and Changing the Thoughts of Others".Most importantly "Universitaly" is expressed in his work and thus based on the integral aspect of respect.
In the exhibition, images of Thailand and Israel alternate, presenting a mesmerizing presentation of images and glimpses from two worlds. He lives and works in Bangkok and travels extensively in Asia as he specializes in fashion photography. His sister, who is his personal assistant and manager, joined him on this trip and it was enlightening to speak to her as she impressed me by her urbanity and world travels.
Last but not least, he stated that " His Art was a result of his belief in Buddhism which served as the driving force of his creativity".
Guests enjoyed an array of Thai delicacies namely "Chicken Pad Thai" which is stir fried noodles with egg, chicken and tamarind paste, savoury crispy noodles, tapioca balls with tofu filling, Thai sweet coconut sticky rice popped with egg custard, grilled salmon and crispy fried shallots as well as shredded coconut and sesame. Another table consisting of fresh fruit beautifully presented and cheese was also available for those adverse to oriental fare as well as wine and fresh fruit juices.
Address: David Marcus St 20, Jerusalem
Phone: 02-560-5755
The Director and staff of Diplomacy.co.il share their good wishes to the Ambassador, to Mr. Nat Prakobsantisuk , to the Embassy Staff and to the people of Thailand on this auspicious occasion