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25 years ago today, on 18 July 1994 at 9:53 A.M., a huge explosion rocked the city of Buenos Aires - the second murderous attack against Israeli and Jewish targets in Argentina in two years.

July 18 marks the 25th anniversary of the murderous attack carried out against the Jewish community center AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) in Buenos Aires, on 18 July 1994. It was the second attack against Jewish and Israeli targets on Argentinian soil – the attack on the Israeli embassy took place only two years previously.

Tragically, 85 people lost their lives in the AMIA attack, and hundreds more were injured.

The sorrow and grief caused by this attack is compounded by the fact that those responsible for this horrifying act, as for the one preceding it, have not yet been brought to justice. After years of investigation, the Argentinian magistrate concluded in 2007 that Iran was behind the attack and responsible for dispatching the murderers.

The government of Argentina appealed to Interpol to issue arrest warrants for a number of suspects, and this appeal was approved by the Interpol General Assembly. Israel condemns Iran for its responsibility for terrorist attacks around the world and for funding, instructing, training and arming terror organizations and for threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

At this difficult hour, the people and government of Israel identify with the bereaved families, with the Jewish community in Argentina and with all the people of Argentina. Concurrently, we would like to congratulate the Jewish community, which has managed to recover from the tragic event, to restore the community and maintain firm ties with the State of Israel. Furthermore, we endorse the Argentinian government's efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice.


Photo  AMIA website



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Transportation and Road Safety Minister Yisrael Katz, this morning (Wednesday, 3 July 2013), held a press conference following the publication of the tenders for new seaports. The decision to issue the tenders for the two ports was made in the wake of the great interest by international elements. The tender still reserves the possibility of building a single port.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 1 July 2013), met with Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta<http://www.pmo.gov.il/English/MediaCenter/Spokesman/Pages/spokeitaly300613.aspx> and said at the start of their meeting, "I am ready to go into the tent, the peace tent and stay in the tent until white smoke comes out."

Earlier, in their joint statements, Prime Minister Netanyahu said:

"We want peace. I want peace. We want to restart peace negotiations as soon as possible, without any obstacles. We have to get into the tent and stay in the tent and seek to end this conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. That’s our goal. That is Secretary Kerry’s efforts, which I think deserve consistent and constant European support, and I’m sure that Italy will give that support.

Minister of Strategic and Intelligence Affairs and International Relations Dr. Yuval Steinitz, this afternoon (Tuesday, 2 July 2013), in Berlin, met with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and with German Finance Minister Dr. Wolfgang Schauble in order to discuss the continuation of international sanctions against the Iranian nuclear program.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Monday, 1 July 2013), met with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Peter Maurer and told him that he was very pleased to meet him, adding that the State of Israel would continue to cooperate with the ICRC. The two men discussed the possibility in Israeli water and health technologies.