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At a photographic exhibition,commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the "Kovno Ghetto" entitled "Back to Kaunas",  by acclaimed photographer, Mr Michael Shubitz who works for German television as well as being a film artist,  was hosted on Sunday,1 September at the Jerusalem theatre by the ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel,H.E. Mr. Audrius Bruzga in association with the Embassy of Lithuania to Israel,the Lithuanian Institute of Culture,the Association of Lithuanian Expatriates in Israel and the Fristo Stiftung.This exhibition was originally created by Mr. Shubitz for "Kaunas 2022 European Capital of Culture",

One of the most well-known ghettos in the German - occupied east was the Kovno ghetto.Between 1920 and 1939, Kaunas,  was the country's capital and largest city.In 1939, it had a Jewsih population of approximately 32 000 which was 1/4 of the city's population.
Soon after occupying the area, German officials established a civilian administration for the local district under SA Major General Hans Kramer.Under his auspices, in July and August 1941, German occupation officials concentrated the remaining Jews, some 35 000 people, in a ghetto established in Slabodka.It was an area of small primitive houses and no running water. After the Ghetto was liberated by the Soviet army on 1 August 1944, 500 Jews survived in forests and bunkers.
Mr. Michael Shubitz,whose Father had miraculously survived the ghetto by giving a false name when taken as a prisoner from the 7th fort  to be executed, was saved.This fact was confirmed years later when Mr. Shubitz met Prof. Porat,  whose speciality was the "Kovno Ghetto".  In addition to the afore -mentioned he was a policeman in the ghetto, who collaborated with the Jewish underground. As mentioned in his speech, this exhibition was a cathartic experience for him as his parents never spoke of their past. The only remnant from the Shubitz family,also on display, was a family photo that survived the war, which included his Father as a boy taken on the occasion of his sister's immigration to Palestine.
Present were survivors of which two spoke.Dr. Shalom Kaplan Eilati spoke passionately in Hebrew saying that the 12 elongated photographs of the survivors' portraits "is a sad memorial to the 220 000 Lithuanian Jews that perished". Of the 25 000 Jews that entered the ghetto, 4 500 survived which accounts for 7%. Of the 5 000 children below the age of 13, that entered the ghetto, only 250 - 300 remained.
Dita Sperling - Zupoich, who celebrated the anniversary of her 102nd birth in  April 2024 in Tel Aviv, was unfortunately not present. Aharon Barak, former president of the Supreme Court and Prof. Tzi Garfunkel,a world authority on the "Dead Sea transform" and a renowned former Professor of Geology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem department of Earth Sciences were also not present.Other prominent figures that survived "Kovno Ghetto" and were not present was a former commander of the U.S. army's  prestigious "Green Berets" as well as a former Fire Chief of New York city.
Another survivor, Mrs. Sarah Kupelowitz also spoke and mentioned her experiences.  
A moving moment was when I introduced myself to a child survivor. Abracha,who immigrated to Israel four years ago from Chicago.He was accompanied by his son,Eli,an prominent figure at the Ihr David foundation as well as his grandson who recently finished his matriculation exams.
H.E. Mr. Andrius Bruzga.spoke with pathos referring to the ubiquitous posters "Bring Them Home" uniting us into "The Faith of the Family".As a token of appreciation he also presented each survivor with a bouquet of flowers.
Mr. Shai Schnitzer, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel and president of :president of S.Schnitzer Diamonds Ltd".in Ramat Gan,N.Y. and Hong Kong and Mr. Dani Dayan, chairman of Yad Vashem also graced us with their presence. 
www.diplomacy.co.il  cannot sufficiently express their gratitude,thanks and appreciation to the Ambassador and to Mr. Shubitz whose invaluable effort,sacrifice and tenacity actualized this memorable vernissage.  Also thanks to Mr. Jonathan Hanig,a professional photographer who worked for no fee and gave us permission to publish his photos.   


 Photo credit Jonathan Hanig