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 Israel’s Independence Day 2019 

Data from 2018 (unless stated otherwise)


  • On the eve of Israel's 71st Independence Day, the population of Israel numbered 9.021 million[1]
    • 697 million Jews (74.2%)
    • 890 million Arabs[2] (20.9%)
    • 434,000 Others[3] (4.8%)
  • At the time of the establishment of the State of Israel, the population of Israel was 806,000 residents.
  • On the 100th Independence Day of the State of Israel in 2048 the population of the state is expected to reach 15.2 million.[4]
  • Since last year’s Independence Day,[5] Israel's population has grown by 177,000 (an increase of 2%). During that period, 188,000 babies were born, 31,000 immigrants arrived, and 47,000 died.[6]
  • Since the State’s founding, 3.2 million immigrants have arrived in Israel, about 43% of them arrived after 1990.
  • 45% of the world's Jewish population lives in Israel.
  • 48,000 persons aged 90 and over live in Israel.
  • 75% of the Jews are Sabras (born in Israel).


  • Area of the State: 22,072 square kilometers
  • Sea area (Sea of ​​Galilee and Dead Sea): 2.0%
  • Number of localities in Israel: 1,217 (based on population estimates for 2017)



  • Life expectancy (in 2017): Men - 80.7

Women - 84.6

  • Total fertility rate[7] (in 2017): 3.11



  • Number of institutions of higher education: 62
  • Percentage of those entitled to a matriculation certificate from those who took the exam: 75.6% (in 2017)


Standard of Living

  • Average monthly money income per household: NIS 16,518 in 2017, a real increase of 4.6% compared with 2016
  • Average monthly money expenditure per household: NIS 13,114 in 2017, a real increase of 2.2% compared with 2016
  • 9% are satisfied with life (in 2018).


Work and Wages

  • Average wages per employee job: NIS 10,473
  • Unemployment rate: 4.0%
  • The share of employed persons in high-tech out of all employed persons in Israel: 8.3% (in 2016)


Business and Manufacturing

  • Number of active businesses: 583,000, about half of them (51%) do not employ workers (in 2017)
  • Number of manufacturing establishments: 21,000 (in 2017)
  • Number of jobs in manufacturing industries: 363,000 (in 2017)


Economic Indicators

  • GDP per capita, at constant prices, increased by 1.3% in 2018, compared with 2017.
  • An increase of 0.8% in the Consumer Price Index (in 2018)


  • 4 million visitors to Israel
  • 5 million departures abroad



  • Percentage of households owning at least one car: 71.9% (in 2017)
  • Number of vehicles: 3,495,412
  • Number of persons licensed to drive: 4,358,402
  • Length of paved roads (km): 19,555 (in 2017)

Construction, Housing, and Real Estate

  • Percentage of ownership of dwellings by households: 66.5% (in 2017)



  • 179 medals in the Olympics, Non-Olympics, and Paralympics (athletes with disabilities) (in 2017)


[1] The data in this Media Release are preliminary, and do not include the foreign worker population, which is estimated at approximately about 166,000.

[2] Arabs: Muslims (including Circassians), Arab Christians (including Armenians) and Druze.

[3] Others: Non-Arab Christians, other religions, and those registered as not classified by religion in the Population Registry, usually immigrants who immigrated under the Law of Return or family unification, but are not defined as Jews in the Population Registry.

[4] According to the national population projection for 2015-2065, medium variant.

[5] Due to differences in the Hebrew calendar, the data relate to the approximately 12.5 months that passed from the previous Independence Day.

[6] Additional growth components: family reunification, international migration balance.

[7] The number of children to which a woman is expected to give birth during her lifetime.