On the evening after the seventh day of Pesach, which is a holy rest day, Jews of North African origin, particularly Morocco, celebrate Mimouna as part of the Pesach festivities. The origin of the celebrations is unclear, but is usually associated with the anniversary of the death of Rabbi Maimon ben Abraham, the father of the great medieval Rabbi Moses Maimonides (also known as Rambam).
On Mimouna night people go from house to house, visiting friends and relatives who are celebrating this holiday, and in neighborhoods where there is a large concentration of Moroccans Jews this house-to-house visiting lasts until the small hours of the night. The following day is also devoted to family celebrations, to hospitality and visiting, and in many public places hundreds of celebrants gather for picnics.
In recent years Mimouna has become a celebration in which everyone wants to participate, and politicians often take advantage of the festivities to curry favor with the large ethnic Moroccan population.

Photos Silvia Golan from Rafi & Ofra Ellul Mimouna

Photos Silvia Golan from Rafi & Ofra Ellul Mimouna
Sweet foods - The festive meal is composed solely of sweet foods, in order to emphasize the hope for a sweet life: fruit preserves, cakes, marzipan and other homemade confections. Since these foods are made during Pesach, they are all made without flour or any other ingredient that is not kosher for Pesach.Mufleta - this is the traditional Moroccan Mimouna food. As soon as Pesach is over, and chametz is again permitted, the women prepare a dough made of flour and yeast, which is spread in flat circles, fried in butter and served with honey. This is the first chametz eaten after Pesach, and the flour for it is purchased immediately after the end of the holiday.
Important informationTry to find a Moroccan family that is celebrating Mimouna, so that you too can experience this folk holiday that has no tradition of prayers or special precepts like other traditional Jewish holidays.