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President Isaac Herzog and his wife Michal hosted today the annual Independence Day reception for ambassadors, international representatives and members of the diplomatic corps residing in Israel at the Presidential Residence in Jerusalem. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and other senior officials and dignitaries also participated.

Under the shadow of war and unlike previous years, this year's reception was held in an abbreviated format adapted to the current situation.

The event was attended by ambassadors and representatives from approximately 75 countries around the world, with the participation of Foreign Minister Israel Katz and other Israeli dignitaries. At the official reception, which took place in the courtyard of the Presidential Residence in Jerusalem, special dishes from all over Israel were served, with a focus on businesses in cities and communities most affected by the conflict, as well as companies that have made significant contributions to society during times of war. The plates symbolized the bravery and mutual responsibility demonstrated by so many people during the war:

The participating companies were: 

The owner and head chef of “4 Cheeses” boutique Catering at Kibbutz Nahal Oz, Luis Daskal, who works at Kibbutz Nahal Oz and resides in the neighboring Kibbutz Mefalsim with his family. Since October 7, he and his family have been evacuated, while Luis has enlisted as a member of the kibbutz security and protection unit.

Buza Gelateria, an Arab-Jewish joint venture created in collaboration between Kibbutz Sasa, most of whose residents were evacuated, and the owner of the Aluma restaurant in Tarshiha, Alaa Sweitat. They make quality artisanal ice creams with the taste and aroma of the Galilee.

Smells Like Life, a boutique confectionery located in the city of Netivot. The bakery's exquisite pastries are handmade, mostly by women and men with special needs. Its owner Haim Dimri insists on producing both traditional and new desserts, preserving optimism, in the battle of trying to live in normal times (and not war).

Don Café, a coffee cart company for events, which after October 7, its owner Tal Surkis and his team, decided to dedicate themselves to strengthening IDF soldiers and the Israeli spirit. Since then, he has voluntarily offered his delicious coffee to soldiers, reservists and evacuees from all corners of the country.

Noor, a Druze restaurant opened a few years ago by Basma Hino in the village of Julis, named after her son (which means light in Arabic). With the outbreak of war, Basma, an IDF widow, volunteered to cook for the soldiers and then trained the restaurant so that kashrut-observing soldiers could also enjoy its food. Every week, Basma dedicates one day to cooking for the soldiers.



At the entrance to the presidential residence, a display of 132 yellow T-shirts was placed, symbolizing the cries of the men and women kidnapped and held captive by Hamas, so that anyone who arrives at the president's house could not forget the situation of the kidnapped people. This project was carried out at the initiative of Yael Rosenstein Schneiderman in collaboration with Gal Preparatory School, the preparatory school attended by Agam Berger, who was kidnapped in Gaza. Along with them, other diverse artists participated in the exhibition, including designers and creators from Bezalel, HIT and Shenkar.

The presentation of the project at the Presidential House on Independence Day miraculously elevates the lofty goal for which our sons and daughters fight in the Israel Defense Forces. In his speech, President Herzog welcomed representatives from countries around the world and noted, “These are difficult times,” “however, there is still much to be thankful for on this 76th Israeli Independence Day. Our improbable story in Israel is a story of bold and stubborn hope. A story of how to emerge from the depths, again and again, to build and rebuild the world in the image of our dreams. Hope has always defined us. And he continues to do so now.”

He noted: "When Hamas launched its chain of rapes, murders and kidnappings on October 7, it was not just trying to weaken the State of Israel. He was trying to weaken the pillars of free, open and democratic societies. He was trying to weaken the path of innovation, progress and prosperity. And he was especially trying to weaken the winds of warm peace that were blowing in our region, promising real change. For the security and integrity of every nation, we must not allow this. We must unite as advocates of moderation, democracy and peace. We must speak loudly and forcefully against the shocking rise of anti-Semitism, which is exposing the dangers of corrosive hatred that still lurks in societies around the world. Most importantly, we must stand united as a family of nations and respond decisively to a despicable and ongoing crime against humanity: the cruel kidnapping of men, women and children, of so many different nationalities, for more than 220 days. Our hostages. We call on all nations, all humanity, to act strongly to return home as soon as possible. "The world cannot allow international forums to violate rules, support this evil force or be misused."

He stressed that “true victory in the fight against radical hatred will not only come when we have defeated the terrorists, returned our hostages and rebuilt our communities, but when we have built a new corridor of collaboration and connectivity throughout the Middle East. This can be done. I look forward to working together with all of you to get there.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Israel Katz, also welcomed the guests. Minister Katz noted that Iran was behind the atrocities of October 7th, and stressed that Israel would always defend itself. He concluded that he was convinced that “after the war in Gaza ends, the region will move towards more peace agreements and normalization. I invite everyone, including the Palestinians, to be part of the vision of economic growth and prosperity.”

The event featured the participation of the famous singer Idan Raichel and other artists. And the traditional photo of the President, his wife and Minister Katz with the guests. 

Diplomacy.co.il offers congratulations on the 76th Independence Day of  the State of Israel


 Photos Silvia Golan 

More Pics at Facebook Diplomacy Israel and Israel Diplo  /  Silvia G Golan 
