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Pursuant to its meeting last Thursday, the Corona Cabinet yesterday afternoon (Friday, 30 October 2020), before the start of Shabbat, in a conference call, approved the detailed regulations as submitted by the Health Ministry:

* It will be possible to hold training and competitions for competitive athletes, children and youth, and in swimming and motor sports, for adults as well.

* It will be possible to hold driving lessons subject to the instructions for traveling in a private vehicle – a driver and up to two passengers in the vehicle.

* It will be possible operate social affairs institutions and additional social services enumerated in article 11b of the law, that are not solely for essential social care. This amendment will, inter alia, allow the operation of services in the context of 'day centers and senior citizens clubs' and services to counteract loneliness designated for senior citizens including those who are not in social service frameworks operated by local councils, as well as libraries for the blind.

* It shall be permitted to operate a venue for training or competition for professional and competitive athletes.

* In addition to the operation of nature reserves and national parks, it shall also be permitted to operate open spaces at heritage sites and antiquities sites.

* B&B's: It shall be possible to operate a lodgings compound with up to four completely separate guest units, with each unit serving people who live together only. Operating a lodgings compound in a manner that contravenes these conditions constitutes an offense the fine for which will be NIS 5,000.

* It will be possible to operate places for providing non-medical treatment to the human body such as barbershops/hair salons, beauty treatments and cosmetics, as well as complementary medical care, subject to the conditions determined in the regulations, including the requirement of advance coordination. Included herein are treatments such as riding therapy, mental or emotional therapies and use of therapeutic pools.

* Areas for screening drive-in films may be operated.

* Prayers: Up to 10 people shall be allowed in structures and up to 20 people in open areas. It should be emphasized that the foregoing means prayers only. Prayers in a house of worship by more people than is permitted constitutes a criminal offense (the fine for which is NIS 500 for each person present).

* Events such as weddings, parties, organized trips or ceremonies may be held with up to 10 participants in structures or 20 participants outside.

* Organizing or participating in events such as sporting events, conferences, festivals or entertainment and arts shows are prohibited.

* Persons operating public, commercial and private venues are prohibited from holding forbidden events; people providing services (such as photography, catering, music, lighting and infrastructures) shall likewise be barred from providing services for a forbidden event or an event in which the number of participants shall exceed that which is permitted. Violating this directive is subject to a fine of NIS 5,000.

* Persons operating public or commercial venues, the entry to which is to be coordinated or is by advance invitation shall be obligated to keep information in order to deliver it if necessary in order to carry out an epidemiological test (such as places for providing non-medical or complementary medical treatments on the human body).

These regulations shall be valid until 14 November 2020.

These regulations shall take effect at 06:00 tomorrow (Sunday, 1 November 2020). The regulation regarding limits on events and possible criminal offenses shall take effect at 14:00 tomorrow. The regulation regarding operation of a training venue for competitive or professional athletes shall take effect today (Saturday, 31 October 2020).



Loss Affects Cost of Living: Increases Food Prices by 11%

An average family in Israel wastes $890 worth of food per year: equivalent to a month and a half of household food consumption expenditure

According to Report: Israeli households second most wasteful as compared to the EU-27 countries

Raanana, Israel – March 5, 2019: Leket Israel, in partnership with BDO, released its Fourth Annual Food Waste and Rescue Report. The report presents, for the first time in Israel, a detailed model for the estimation of food loss in the household consumption sector, its value and impact on households in Israel and how Israelis compare to other countries around the world.


The Food Waste and Rescue Report reveals that food loss in Israel this year amounts to 2.5 million tons (5.5 billion pounds) with a market value of  NIS 19.7 billion (US $5.5 billion), 35% of all food produced. Almost half of this loss, 1.2 million tons (2.6 billion pounds), is rescuable and valued at NIS 7 billion (US $2 billion).

The findings of the Report show that the loss in household consumption in Israel amounts to approximately 880,000 tons (1,940 million pounds) of food, at a value of NIS 7.9 billion (US $2.2 billion). An average Israeli family throws out food worth NIS 3,200 (US $890) per year, equivalent to a month and a half of household food consumption expenditure. The majority of the wasted food are fruits and vegetables, with Israeli households wasting 23% as compared to the US at 28% and Europe at 19%.

The Report reveals the impact of food loss on the cost of living: the effects of loss at all stages of the value chain increases food prices by 11% and the loss of food impairs productivity in the economy due to production and labor loss. 

To close the food insecurity gap in Israel, necessitates the rescue of 20% of food wasted worth approximately NIS 3 billion (US $834 million). Food rescue makes this possible at a cost of only NIS 830 million (US $230 million), 72% of the cost. This can be accomplished without even quantifying its environmental benefits.

According to Gidi Kroch, CEO of Leket Israel:  “The Report brings to light that the average Israeli family is throwing away a month and a half’s worth of food consumption every year at a value of NIS 3,200 (US $890). Instead of providing a targeted solution, such as fighting the prices of cottage cheese and dairy products, the State of Israel must recognize the many advantages of food rescue and formulate a national policy, set goals and prepare a budget. The national plan should cover the entire food value chain – from agriculture to retail and marketing to household consumption. In October 2018, the Knesset acknowledged the multiple benefits of food rescue and approved the law, “The Food Donation Act.” It is the responsibility of the next government to formally adopt food rescue as the primary solution to eliminating food insecurity in Israel and to place this crisis as a central issue on its agenda – economic, social and environmental.”


According to Chen Herzog, Chief Economist at BDO: “The cost of food loss, ultimately directly impacts the consumers’ pockets and affects the cost of living in Israel, causing an 11% increase in food prices. In addition, food loss impairs productivity in the economy due to production and labor loss. Therefore, policy for food rescue and redistributing it to disadvantaged sectors of the population is an effective economic plan in Israel, where a large part of household expenditure is on food. Food rescue is a winning solution, which closes the food insecurity gap by a direct savings of NIS 2.2 billion (US $604 million). When quantifying the social and environmental benefits, it’s a saving to the economy of more than NIS 4.5 billion (US $1.2 billion).”


For Full Report, Report Summary and Complete Media Kithttps://foodwastereport.leket.org/en/

About Leket Israel: In 2018, Leket Israel rescued 2.2 million cooked meals from IDF army bases, hotels catering companies, and restaurants and 15.5 thousand tons (51 million pounds) of agricultural produce worth NIS 150 million (US $41.5 million). All this rescued food was then redistributed to 175,000 needy people weekly through Leket Israel’s network of 200 nonprofit agency partners throughout Israel. For more information, please visit www.leket.org/en.


Facebook  לקט ישראל Leket Israel







Birthright Israel Knows Business


Prominent Israeli Business Executives celebrated with Students and Young Professionals from the US, Canada, Mexico and Israel who took part in the Annual Birthright Israel Excel Program


The fellows enjoyed a unique internship at leading companies and professional training & mentorship from Israel's top executives endowing them with a =deep understanding of the Startup Nation's business scene


Birthright Israel's business leadership program, Birthright Israel Excel, held its closing ceremony last week (July 8), at its Center for Israeli Innovation in partnership with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. The ceremony was held in the presence of managing partner at EY Israel and chairman of Birthright Excel,Yoram Tietz, Co-founder of Magma Venture Partners, Modi Rosen, General Partner & Founder at Viola Credit in Israel, Ruthi Simha, CEO at The Time Ido Pollak, Founder & CEO at FairFly, Aviel Siman-Tov and Gidi Mark, International CEO of Birthright Israel, as well as Excel Fellows, benefactors, mentors, partners and entrepreneurs.  


At the closing ceremony of Birthright Israel Excel’s 2018 cohort, top Israeli chief executives celebrated with 54 students from 30 top universities in the US, Canada, and Mexico the conclusion of their 10-week professional business internship or startup pre-accelerator experience. During the course of their internships, the students received professional and personal mentoring from the companies’ leaders. The students were accompanied by 54 Israeli students and IDF officers who also took part in the program this summer.


The students, who were carefully chosen from thousands of candidates by Birthright Israel Excel, stayed in Tel Aviv for two months, during which, they got to meet with Israeli leaders from various fields, take part in tours and professional workshops and go through personal business mentorships and professional-academic internships that allowed them to get to know the Israeli business sector firsthand. CEOs from Israel’s top companies who met with the program’s participants included: CEO at Facebook Israel, Adi Sofer Teeni, Microsoft CEO of R&D Assaf Rappaport, Yossi Matias, Vice President, Engineering, at Google and the Managing Director of Google's R&D Center in Israel, CEO at LeumiTech, Yifat Oron, Founder, CEO at Healthy.io Digital Healthcare Yonatan Adiri, CEO at The Time Ido Pollak, Journalist and Creator of the TV show “Fauda” Avi Issacharoff among many others.


Upon their return to the United States, Canada and Mexico, the participants will join Birthright Israel Excel's broad community of Fellows, of approximately 700 members, where they will deepen their involvement with the community and focus on social and business activities. They will enjoy professional and personal mentorship provided by the fellowship’s advisors, who consist of senior businesspeople and philanthropists involved with the Jewish community and Israel.

Photo  Avishai Finkelstein







Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 27 September 2018), addressed the UN General Assembly:

"Distinguished Delegates, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

When I spoke here, three years ago, Israel stood alone among the nations. Of the nearly 200 countries that sit in this hall, only Israel openly opposed the nuclear deal with Iran. We oppose it because it threatens our future, even our very survival. We oppose it because the deal paved Iran’s path to a nuclear arsenal. And by lifting the sanctions, it’s fueled Iran’s campaign of carnage and conquest throughout the Middle East.

We oppose it, we oppose it because the deal was based on a fundamental lie – that Iran is not seeking to develop nuclear weapons.

Now, Israel exposed that lie earlier this year. Last February, Israeli conducted a daring raid on Iran’s secret atomic archive. We obtained over 100,000 documents and videos that had been stashed in vaults in an innocent looking building in the heart of Tehran.

In May, I presented a short summary of what we obtained to the international media. I provided hard evidence of Iran’s plans to build nuclear weapons and its plans to deceive the international community. Israel shared this information and even more damning evidence that we found with members of the P5+1, and with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Months have passed. The IAEA has still not taken any action. It has not posed a single question to Iran. It has not demanded to inspect a single new site discovered in that secret archive.

So, given this inaction, I decided to reveal today something else that we have shared with the IAEA and with a few intelligence agencies.

What I’m about to say has not been shared publically before.

Today, I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran—a secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and material from Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.

In May, we exposed the site of Iran’s secret atomic archive, right here, in the Shor-abad District of Tehran. Today I’m revealing the site of a second facility – Iran’s secret atomic warehouse. It’s right here, in the Turquz-abad District of Tehran, just there miles away [see attached PDF file].

Let me show you exactly what the secret atomic warehouse looks like.



Here it is. You see, like the atomic archive, it’s another innocent looking compound. Now for those of you at home using Google Earth, this no-longer-secret atomic warehouse is on Maher Alley, Maher Street. You have the coordinates, you can try to get there. And for those of you who try to get there, it’s 100 meters from the Kalishoi, the rug cleaning operation. By the way, I hear they do a fantastic job cleaning rugs there. But by now they may be radioactive rugs.

This is the second secret site.

Now, countries with satellite capabilities may notice some increased activity on Maher Alley in the days and weeks ahead. The people they’ll see scurrying back and forth are Iranian officials desperately trying to finish the job of cleaning up that site. Because you see, since we raided the atomic archive, they’ve been busy cleaning out the atomic warehouse.

Just last month, they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it? They had 15 kilograms of radioactive material, they had to get it out of the site, so they took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence. The endangered residents of Tehran may want to know that they can get a Geiger counter on Amazon for only $29.99. As of today, that’s just 4 million Iranian rials, but we’ll get to that later. I’ll talk about the Iranian economy in a minute. They took this radioactive material and spread it around Tehran.

Now, the Iranian officials cleaning out that site still have a lot of work to do because they’ve had at least, at least 15 ship containers, they’re gigantic, 15 ship containers full of nuclear-related equipment and material stored there. Now, since each of those containers can hold 20 tons of material, this means that this site contains as much as 300 tons, 300 tons of nuclear-related equipment and material.

Right here.

So, Distinguished Delegates,

You have to ask yourself a question. Why did Iran keep a secret atomic archive and a secret atomic warehouse? Because, after all, when South Africa and Libya, when they gave up their nuclear programs, the first thing they did was to destroy both the archives and the material and equipment.

And the answer to the question is simple. The reason Iran didn’t destroy its atomic archive and its atomic warehouse is because it hasn’t abandoned its goal to develop nuclear weapons. In fact, it planned to use both of these sites in a few years when the time would be right to break out to the atom bomb.

But, Ladies and Gentlemen, rest assured, that won’t happen. It won’t happen because what Iran hides, Israel will find.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have a message to the head of the IAEA, Mr. Yukiya Amano.

I believe he’s a good man. I believe he wants to do the right thing.

Well, Mr. Amano, do the right thing. Go inspect this atomic warehouse, immediately, before the Iranians finish clearing it out.

Distinguished Delegates,

Do you remember when we were promised that inspections could take place anytime, anywhere? Remember that? Anytime, anywhere?

Well, how about inspections right here, right now.

And Mr. Amano, while you’re at it, inspect the other secret sites we told you about. Once and for all, tell the world the truth about Iran.  

Now, I also have a message today for the Tyrants of Tehran:

Israel knows what you’re doing, and Israel knows where you’re doing it. Israel will never let a regime that calls for our destruction to develop nuclear weapons. Not now, not in ten years, not ever.

And Israel will do whatever it must do to defend itself against Iran’s aggression. We will continue to act against you in Syria. We will act against you in Lebanon. We will act against you in Iraq. We will act against you whenever and wherever we must act to defend our state and defend our people.

Distinguished Delegates,

Three years ago, a few weeks after the nuclear deal was completed, I asked this question from this very podium: Does anyone seriously believe that flooding Iran’s radical theocracy with weapons and cash will curb its appetite for aggression? But many of the deal’s supporters believed just that. They believed that Iran’s regime would become more moderate, more peaceful. They believed that Iran would use the billions of dollars it received in sanctions relief to improve the lives of its people—to solve the water problem, to solve the trucking problem, to solve the electricity problem, hospitals, schools… That’s what they believed, and perhaps many of you also believed that.

Well, this didn’t happen.

Instead, Iran used the money to fuel its vast war machine.

Just this past year, Iran has attacked Kurds in Iraq, slaughtered Sunnis in Syria, armed Hezbollah in Lebanon, financed Hamas in Gaza, fired missiles into Saudi Arabia, and threatened freedom of navigation in the Straits of Hormouz and the Strait of Bab al Mandeb.

Some peace. Some moderation.

And if you think, if you think that Iran’s aggression has been confined to the Middle East, think again. Last month, two Iranian agents were arrested for plotting terror attacks right here in the United States. And several weeks ago, Iranian agents were arrested for plotting terror attacks in the heart of Europe.

Yet while the United States is confronting Iran with new sanctions, Europe and others are appeasing Iran by trying to help it bypass those sanctions.

Now I just used a word, a tough word, a very strong word – appeasement, and I use it reluctantly, but unfortunately, that’s exactly what we are seeing again in Europe.

Think about this: The same week Iran was caught red-handed trying to murder European citizens. European leaders were rolling out the red carpet for President Rouhani, promising to give Iran even more money.

I’m an historian’s son, I have to ask. I ask not merely as an historian’s son, I ask it as a Jew, as a citizen of the world, as someone who’s lived through the 20th century: Have these European leaders learned nothing from history? Will they ever wake up?

Well, we in Israel, we don’t need a wakeup call, because Iran threatens us every day. Because despite the best of hope, and there were many hopes around the nuclear deal, this deal did not push war further away. It brought war ever closer to our borders.

In Syria, Iran is trying to establish permanent military bases against us and has already launched missiles and drones into our territory. In Gaza, Iran is arming terror groups to launch rocket attacks into our cities and terror attacks against our civilians. In Lebanon, in Lebanon, Iran is directing Hezbollah to build secret sites to convert inaccurate projectiles into precision-guided missiles, missiles that can target deep inside Israel within an accuracy of ten meters.

Hezbollah, listen to this, Hezbollah is deliberately using the innocent people of Beirut as human shields. They have placed three of these missile conversion sites alongside Beirut’s international airport.

Here’s a picture that’s worth a thousand missiles.

Here’s Beirut’s international airport.



Here’s the first missile site. It’s in the Ouzai neighborhood on the water’s edge, a few blocks away from the runway.

Here’s the second site. It’s underneath a soccer stadium, that’s the soccer stadium, two blocks away.

And here’s the third site. It’s adjacent to the airport itself, right next to it.

So I also have a message for Hezbollah today: Israel knows, Israel also knows what you’re doing. Israel knows where you’re doing it. And Israel will not let you get away with it.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Just as the nuclear deal supporters were wrong about what would happen when sanctions would be removed, they were wrong, dead wrong, about what would happen when sanctions would be restored.

They argued that US sanctions alone would have little impact, little economic impact on Iran. That’s what they said. Really?

Well, let’s see what happened to Iran’s economy now that President Trump has forced companies to choose between doing business with Iran and doing business with the United States, whose GDP is 50 times the size of Iran’s GDP.

A year ago, Iran’s economy was booming. Now it’s collapsing. Iran’s currency is plummeting. Inflation and unemployment are soaring. British airlines, German banks, French oil companies, Japanese oil importers and many others are scrambling to get out.

If that’s little economic impact, imagine what will happen with the next batch of US sanctions imposed in November.

The deal’s supporters were also wrong when they argued, you have to believe that they argue this. We’re going to have many arguments with them. They also argued that restoring sanctions would rally the Iranian people around the regime.

Well, they’re definitely rallying, but not around the regime. They’re rallying against the regime.

They’re not chanting Death to America. They’re chanting Death to the Dictator.


They’re not chanting Export the Islamic Revolution. They’re chanting Leave Syria! Leave Lebanon! Leave Gaza! Take care of us in Iran!

I listen to these protests. I talk to the Iranian people. I issue these videos and I get so many responses from Iranians. At first I thought these are Iranian exiles in the safety of London or Paris or Los Angeles. No. Iranians, from Iran embracing Israel, criticizing the regime. That’s an understatement. With their names. And I ask my intelligence people, what’s going on. And shortly after the protests broke out, not because of what I said, but it was an indicator of something extraordinary that was taking place there. Because in these protests, the Iranian people are showing unbelievable courage.

From the urban centers to the outlying villages—and it’s embracing now the whole of Iran—from the striking bazaar merchants to the young women uncovering their hair,the people of Iran are bravely standing up to a regime that has brutally repressed them for four decades and that has squandered their money, still squanders their money in bloody wars across the Middle East.

So here’s what I say to Europe’s leaders and to others: Instead of coddling Iran’s dictators, join the US, and Israel, and most of the Arab world in supporting new sanctions against a regime that endangers all of us and all of the world.

Israel is deeply grateful to President Trump for his bold decision to withdraw from the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. Many, many of our Arab neighbors are also grateful. And everyone who cares about the peace and security of the world should also be grateful.

But, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an important confession to make.

This may surprise you, but I have to admit that the Iran deal has had one positive consequence, an unintended one, but a positive consequence. By empowering Iran, it brought Israel and many Arab states closer together than ever before, closer together than ever before, in an intimacy and friendship that I’ve not seen in my lifetime and would have been unimaginable a few years ago.

And you know, when you form friendships around a threat, around a challenge, you quickly see opportunities, not only for security, but how to bring a better life for our people which Israel can help and wants to help do.

Israel deeply values these new friendships, and I hope the day will soon arrive when Israel will be able to expand peace, a formal peace, beyond Egypt and Jordan to other Arab neighbors, including the Palestinians. I look forward to working with President Trump and his peace team to achieve that goal.

I also want to use this opportunity, we’re here at the UN – it’s a place I know because I served here as ambassador many years ago for many years, so I know something about the UN. So I want to use this opportunity to express Israel’s appreciation to President Trump and Ambassador Haley for the unwavering support they have provided Israel at the United Nations. They have unequivocally backed Israel’s right to defend itself. They rightly pulled out of a history-denying UNESCO and a morally bankrupt UN Human Rights Council. They have more resolutions about Israel than the rest of the world combined, I think. And tenfold compared to, I don’t know, Iran, Syria, you name it. Not even tenfold, because you can’t multiply zero by any number.

They stopped funding, President Trump and Ambassador Haley. They stopped funding an unreformed UNRWA, an organization that instead of solving the Palestinian refugee problem, perpetuates it.

Day after day, the Trump administration has stood up to what has long been a specialty here at the UN – slandering Israel. Even though the shameful resolution comparing Zionism to racism was repealed 25 years ago, I’m sorry to say that its foul stench still clings to these halls.

Israel airlifted Ethiopian Jews to freedom and a new life in Israel, in the Jewish state. Yet here at the UN, here at the UN, Israel is absurdly accused of racism.

Israel’s Arab citizens vote in our elections, serve in our parliament, preside over our courts, and have exactly the same individual rights as all other Israeli citizens. Yet here at the UN, Israel is shamefully accused of apartheid.

Today, there are at least five times as many Palestinians as there were in 1948, the year of Israel’s founding. Yet here at the UN, Israel is outrageously accused of ethnic cleansing.

Ladies and Gentlemen, you know what this is?

It’s the same old antisemitism with a brand new face. That’s all it is.

Once, it was the Jewish people that were slandered and held to a different standard.

Today, it’s the Jewish state that is slandered and held to a different standard.

Here’s an example: Take the outlandish attacks that have been leveled against Israel after our Knesset, our parliament, recently adopted a law declaring Israel the nation state of the Jewish people.

Mind you, Israel is a free country. You can oppose a law, and people did. You can call for different wording in this or that clause, or you can call to add or subtract a clause. You can do that.

But when Israel is called racist, Israel is called racist for making Hebrew its official language and the Star of David its national flag, when Israel is labeled an apartheid state for declaring itself the nation state of the Jewish people, this is downright preposterous. And you know why?

Because represented in this hall today are more than 100 countries that have only one official language, even though many other languages are commonly spoken within those countries. There are more than 50 countries here that have crosses or crescents on their flags, even though they have many non-Muslims and non-Christians, many of them, living in their midst. And there are dozens of countries that define themselves as nation states of a particular people, even though there are many ethnic and national minorities within their borders.

None of those countries are denigrated or libeled for celebrating their unique national identity. Only Israel is denigrated. Only Israel is libeled.

What is unique about the Jewish people is not that we have a nation-state. What is unique is that many still oppose us having a nation-state.

Moments ago, President Abbas outrageously said that Israel’s Nation-State Law proves that Israel is a racist, apartheid state. 

President Abbas, you should know better. You wrote a dissertation denying the Holocaust. Your Palestinian Authority imposes death sentences on Palestinians for selling land to Jews. Did you hear that? If a Jew buys an apartment, a piece of land anywhere in the Palestinian territories, the Palestinian who sold him that land is executed. That’s what the law says.

President Abbas, you proudly pay Palestinian terrorists who murder Jews. In fact, the more they slay, the more you pay. That’s in their law too. And you condemn Israel’s morality? You call Israel racist?

This is not the way to peace.  This is not the way to achieve the peace we all want and need and to which Israel remains committed. This body should not be applauding the head of a regime that pays terrorists. The UN should condemn such a despicable policy.

And the UN, the UN which brokered a ceasefire in 2014, should demand that Hamas release our fallen soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, who was kidnapped when Hamas violated that every ceasefire.

Hamas should also release the two Israeli citizens it holds captive, Abera Mengistu and Hisham al Sayed.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Every time I stand here, I feel as I do today. I am privileged to stand here as the Prime Minister of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel.

Some believe that Israel cannot be both Jewish and democratic. This is false. Israel is both, and Israel will always remain both.

Ever since Abraham and Sarah made their journey to the promised land nearly 4,000 years ago, the Land of Israel has been our homeland. It’s the place where Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob, Leah, and Rachel carried on their eternal covenant with God. 

It is where Joshua made us a sovereign nation, where David ruled and Isaiah preached, where the Maccabees fought and where Masada fell. It is the place from which we were exiled and to which we returned, rebuilding our ancient and eternal capital Jerusalem.

The nation state of Israel is the only place where the Jewish people proudly exercise our collective right of self-determination. That right was recognized nearly a century ago by the League of Nations and over 70 years ago by the United Nations, when it voted to support the establishment of a Jewish state. That’s what it said, that resolution—a Jewish state.

At the same time, Israel is a vibrant democracy, where all its citizens—Jews and non-Jews alike – enjoy equal individual rights, and these rights are guaranteed by law. 

In Israel, whether you are a Jew or an Arab, a Christian or a Muslim, a Druze or a Bedouin, or anything else, your individual rights are exactly the same, and they will always remain the same.

In the Middle East, that’s not obvious, now that’s an understatement, In the Middle East, where women are often treated as property, minorities are persecuted, gays are hanged, Israel stands out as a shining example of freedom and progress.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I could not be more proud to represent my country Israel.

I am proud that we’ve made Israel a global technological power of breathtaking creativity, in information technology, in precision agriculture, you know what that is? We target the fertilizer and the water down to the individual plant, not field, not part of a field, down to the plant. I’m proud of these geniuses, that bring these unbelievable developments, in water management, in cybersecurity, in autonomous vehicles, in digital health, in medical devices and in so many other fields that are improving the lives of billions of people around the world.

I am proud of Israel’s brilliant scholars, innovative entrepreneurs, and talented artists. I am proud of Israel’s devoted teachers, compassionate doctors, and our search-and-rescue teams who save lives from Haiti to Mexico, from Nepal to the Philippines. I am proud, I am so proud of Israel’s courageous soldiers, the men, and women who bravely defend our homeland while upholding the highest values.

And most of all, Ladies and Gentlemen, Most of all I am proud of the people of Israel, who draw extraordinary strength from the deep wellsprings of our heritage, who possess an unbreakable spirit and who are determined as ever to build a secure and magnificent future for the one and only Jewish state.

Thank you".


Photo credit: Avi Ohayon (GPO)





For the first time in Israel – A Therapeutic Relaxation Garden in the Maternity Ward which utilizes elements from nature with an emphasis on attention to the needs of the new mother. The garden, which cost about 1.5 million NIS and was a donation by Jewish National Fund – Holland, is located in the center of the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center Maternity Ward, and is unique product of the project’s architect, Zvika Kanonitz.

Today, Monday, June 18th, a therapeutic relaxation garden was inaugurated in the maternity ward of the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera – the first of its kind in a hospital maternity ward in Israel. The garden, which cost about 1.5 million NIS and was donated by JNF Holland through the Keren Kayemet Le’Israel-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) in Israel, was designed by Zvika Kanonitz, an architect with rich experience in therapeutic gardens.

The inauguration ceremony included members of JNF Holland and KKL-JNF in Israel, the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center management, maternity ward staff and more.

About the therapeutic garden – a relaxing and private experience in the maternity ward

The relaxation garden is built entirely of rejuvenating and comforting motifs for postpartum women – planned and designed exclusively for the new mothers. The garden includes walking paths made of pebbles for a reflexology massage for swollen feet, winding through shaded and intimate areas. Comfortable seating throughout is incorporated with plants to create a microclimate which shades and protects patients from the sun, and a small water pool at the foot of a green vegetation wall attracts butterflies and birds. The garden is located at the heart of the maternity ward in a closed courtyard that is only available to mothers and their newborns, and entrance to the courtyard is only available through the maternity yard. The area is carefully guarded to provide patients with a sense of comfort and security and provide a quiet and calm environment in the days after giving birth, before their return home.

JNF Holland President, Prof. Moshe Kon, said during the ceremony that, “We are happy for the cooperation that brought about not just any garden, but a piece of heaven. As a doctor, I understand the importance of a relaxing and healing environment and I am proud of the result. KKL-JNF will continue to support amazing social projects such as these for Hillel Yaffe, out of our sense of duty and commitment.

Director of the medical center, Dr. Miki Dudkevitch, said, “We are proud that we have the ability to provide our maternity patients not only a professional team and well-equipped department, but also a private garden accommodated specifically to their needs. I want to thank JNF Holland for the generous donation and to KKL-JNF for their collaboration along the way.”

KKL-JNF Chairman, Mr. Daniel Atar, sent his blessings and said that, “This is not a donation; this is an investment. There is no asset more worthwhile than humanity. There is no better investment than an investment in society, and there is nothing more important than investing in public health and equality. It is my privilege that the organization that I head is taking this part of the community’s mission and part of the country’s responsibility upon itself.”

Photo credit – Tal Zigdon
In the photo (R-L): Prof. Moti Halak, Maternity Division Director; Dr. Miki Dudkevitch, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center director; Dr. Amnon Ben Moshe, Administrative Director of Hillel Yaffe; Dr. Moshe Kon, JNF Holland President; Dr. Ehud Huchman, Deputy Director of the hospital; Mr. Freddy Rosenberg, JNF Holland CEO.