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The President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, has arrived in Israel in order to reinforce the economic relations between the two countries. During the visit, a bilateral free-trade agreement will be signed for the first time between Panama and Israel. This is the first agreement of its kind to be signed by Israel with any country in Latin America.



 During his visit, President Varela will be accompanied by the Vice President of Panama, Isabel Saint Malo, Augusto Arosemena, the Minister of Commerce & Industry; the Minister of Agriculture Development, Enrique Charles, as well as a delegation of businessmen. 

 A special economic event held at the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv, at the invitation of the President of Panama, for the purpose of exposing Panama to investments. Panama's Ambassador to Israel, Mrs. Adis Urieta Vega, advised that among the subjects which were presented at the Conference are: cyber protection, tourism, medical devices, clean technology, and water.




The president of Panama, H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, visited Israel for several high-level meetings, and to advance diplomatic and economic cooperation between the two nations.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Varela at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem. They held both a private meeting and an expanded meeting with their entourages. During the meetings, the following were signed:

* A bilateral free trade agreement – The agreement will lift restrictions on trade between Israel and Panama, in both directions, and enable free trade.

* A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on establishing a center for agricultural excellence in Panama. Israel will establish in Panama a center that will combine Israeli technologies and training. This would be the first such center in Latin America and is expected to significantly assist agriculture in Panama.


During his visit, President Varela visited Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, toured the Holocaust History Museum, participated in a memorial ceremony in the Hall of Remembrance, visited the Children's Memorial, and signed the Yad Vashem Guest Book.


As a guest of the Keren Kayemet Le’Israel-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), President Varela planted a tree in the Grove of Nations in Jerusalem as part of his first official visit to Israel. President Varela also requested the help of KKL-JNF in order to plant a forest the size of “one million hectares”in Panama, utilizing the professional knowledge and international experience KKL-JNF holds in the field of forestation.

In addition, President Varela and his wife Mrs. Lorena Castilla de Varela joined Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his wife Nehama for a dinner in their honor at the President’s residence.


Panama is located in the center of the American continent, which makes this a strategic location. Panama has a sophisticated banking system, has had a fully-dollarized economy (since 1904), a sympathetic government and extensive trade relations with the entire continent. It is considered to be the Latin investment capital. The expansion of the Canal and the establishment of the Diamond Exchange in the country – are opening up business opportunities in these areas as well. Panama has the second largest free-trade zone in the world.

 Photos by Silvia G. Golan




 Photo President Rivlin welcoming H.E Mr.Nestor Alejandro Rosa Navarro , Ambassador of Uruguay to Israel.


President Rivlin to Russian Ambassador: “Without security, we will never be able to move the process forward.”


President Reuven Rivlin received, during a ceremony this morning (Monday) at his residence, the diplomatic credentials of the new ambassadors to Israel from Uruguay, Russia, Slovenia, El Salvador, and Albania.


First to present his credentials was new Ambassador of Uruguay, H.E. Mr. Nestor Alejandro Rosa Navarro. The President welcomed him and said, “The relationship between Uruguay and the Zionist movement goes back over 100 years. And we appreciate that Uruguay was one of the first countries to recognize the State of Israel.” He added, “We also appreciate greatly the firm stand Uruguay has taken against the violence and incitement against Israel.”


Ambassador Navarro responded by thanking the President and said, “The warm relationship between our two people has a long history, and we are committed to working to deepen the good relations between us through economic and cultural cooperation.”



Photo President Rivlin welcoming H.E Mr.Alexander Petrovich Shein , Ambassador of Russia to Israel.


The Ambassador of Russia H.E. Mr. Alexander Petrovich Shein was next to present his diplomatic credentials to the President. President Rivlin began, “I want to express my deepest sympathies to the families of those who perished in the plane disaster in the Sinai. Our thoughts with their families and all the Russian people at this time.” He went on to add, “We live in a small world, where an event in one region can affect the world. We understand Russia’s strategic concerns, while we need to be aware of all that is going on around us. The name of the game is security - without security, we will never be able to move the process forward.”


Russian Ambassador Shein thanked the President for his welcome and noted, “President Putin sees Israel as a very important partner in the Middle East, and Russia is keen to widen our bilateral relations with Israel – there is much potential for cooperation in the areas of hi-tech, culture, agriculture, and more.”



Photo President Rivlin welcoming H.E Mrs.Barbara Susnik , Ambassador of Slovenia to Israel.


Following, Ambassador of Slovenia H.E. MS. Barbara Susnik presented her diplomatic credentials to the President, who congratulated her on her appointment and said, “We greatly appreciate the good relations between our countries, and we are proud to have been among the first nations to recognize Slovenia’s independence.”


Ambassador Susnik expressed her condolences over the passing of Fifth President of Israel Yitzhak Navon, and spoke with the President about the historic and significant friendship between Israel and Slovenia.



Photo President Rivlin welcoming H.E Mr. Werner Matias Romero Guerra, Ambassador of El Salvador to Israel.


Next, Ambassador of El Salvador H.E. MR. Werner Matias Romero Guerra, presented his diplomatic credentials, and said, “Throughout the years, Israel has been by our side, through good and bad times. It is a great honor for me to represent my country in Israel, and work to strengthen our bilateral ties in many fields.”



Photo President Rivlin welcoming H.E DR. Bardhyl Canaj , Ambassador of Albania to Israel.


Finally, Ambassador of Albania, H.E. DR. Bardhyl Canaj presented his diplomatic credentials to the President and invited the him to visit Albania, noting that the President was “well known in Albania and the media followed his activities and statements closely.” The President thanked him for the invitation, and wished him much success in his new role.


 Photo Kobi Gideon /GPO









 Photo President Reuven Rivlin with Ambassador of Angola, Mr. Feliciano Antonio Dos Santos


Newly appointed ambassadors to Israel presented their diplomatic credentials today (Wednesday) to President Reuven Rivlin, at an official ceremony at the President's Residence. Each noted their desire to strengthen ties between their own countries and Israel, and to promote partnership and cooperation.

Incoming Ambassador of Angola, Mr. Feliciano Antonio Dos Santos, thanked the President and said, "Israel has played an important and significant role in assisting infrastructure and agricultural development in Angola, and we are benefiting from the experience and understanding which you bring in these fields. I have been asked to take action to strengthen and deepen the relationship between our countries, and to promote cultural partnerships. We hope that with your help, my time here will be most productive."

President Rivlin warmly welcomed the Ambassador and said, "Angola has a central role in Africa; your economy is an example to many states around the world. Between our countries, we share excellent relations, of importance to both sides. We are impressed by your progress in the area of water and agriculture, and successful use of natural resources. I am pleased to welcome you to Israel."



 Photo President Reuven Rivlin with Ambassador of the Philippines, Mr. Nathaniel Imperial


 The incoming Ambassador of the Philippines, Mr. Nathaniel Imperial said, "I am delighted and honored to serve my country in the holy land. The good will, which characterizes the relationship between our countries, began already in the late 1930's, when our President initiated the 'open door policy' for Jews fleeing persecution at the hands of the Nazis. We released many visas, and if it had not been for the war in the Pacific, I have no doubt that many more Jews would have found shelter in our state. This 'open door policy', was an expression of the solidarity between Israel and the Jewish People, and the Philippines. In Israel, there are many workers from my country, and they enjoy safe employment with good conditions, for which I am both grateful and very proud."


The President praised the good relations between the two countries and said to the Ambassador, "Two weeks ago, we commemorated the 29th of November, when the UN voted for the creation of a Jewish state, and we will never forget that you were the only Asian country to vote in favor. We appreciate and remember this fondly to this day. In Israel, there is a strong and vibrant community from your country, whose integration and contribution to Israeli society is evidenced by so much, including the success of a member of the community on a leading Israeli television talent show. There is a wonderful relationship between our countries, and we look forward to expanding it. It is a great pleasure for us to have you in Israel as a diplomat and as a renowned poet; I hope that your books will be translated into Hebrew so that we can all benefit from them."



 Photo President Reuven Rivlin with Ambassador  from South Sudan to Israel, Mr. Ruben Marial Benjamin


For the first time, an Ambassador from South Sudan to Israel, Mr. Ruben Marial Benjamin, presented his credentials to the President. The Ambassador said, "I am happy to serve my country in Israel, and I have been sent here following the long and warm relations between us. We understand what it means to be in a long struggle, and Israel is an important friend who has helped us greatly and we appreciate this. I am happy to say that I feel at home in Israel."

The President responded, "I am excited to receive your appointment as the first ambassador from your country. We have much in common, we appreciate greatly the security ties between us, and see in South Sudan an important friend. On a personal note, I wanted to be a soccer player when I was a child, but sadly I wasn't good enough, and so I decided to be the president of my favorite club instead. I know that you are a good soccer player, and so I am happy to invite you to play and train in Jerusalem."



 Photo President Reuven Rivlin with  the Jamaican (non-resident) Ambassador to Israel, Mrs. Margaret Ann Louise Jobson


Lastly, the Jamaican (non-resident) Ambassador to Israel, Mrs. Margaret Ann Louise Jobson presented her credentials and said, "It is a great pleasure for me to serve as Ambassador to Israel. When I left Kingston they said to me that Israel is an important country for us. Jamaica has special bonds with Israel; the Jews of Jamaica were some of the earliest settlers to the island, and have contributed immensely to the economy and development. I believe there is a strong and sound basis to deepen our ties in the future."

The President responded by saying, "It is a pleasure to host you in Israel's capital, and to renew the presenting of credentials by the Ambassador of Jamaica. The relationship between our countries is excellent, and there is no doubt that your presence will help strengthen and deepen this bond." The President added in relation to the ambassador's status as a non-resident representative, "We will be happy to see you in Israel much more."


Photos  Credit Mark Neumann  







Celebrating 66 National Day of the People’s Republic of China


The National Day of China is officially commemorated on October 1st. On that day, many large-scaled activities are held nationwide. These include Military Review & Parade at Tiananmen Square. Other activities include flag-raising ceremonies, dance and song shows and fireworks displays.

In Israel, commemorating the event took place at the Tel Aviv Hilton Hotel on September 24th.

At the reception area, the invitees were offered a selection of complementary books and DVD covering a variety of topics. These included Chinese history, Culture, and diplomacy.

The host of Chinese dignitaries that welcome the guests in one of the spacious halls at the hotel included, the Chinese Ambassador to Israel, His Excellency Zhan Yongxin, First Secretary Dr. Li Zhongzhou and others.


At the entrance to the event hall, the invitees could enjoy an exhibition of paintings depicting various themes related to the founding of the People’s Republic of China and their victory in WWII.

Traditional Chinese decorations mostly in red were visible all over the hall which was quickly filling up with many guest, many of whom were high ranking officials in the Israeli political echelons. In attendance were Former Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, Ran Cohen President of Israel Asia Chamber of Commerce and former Minister of Industry and Trade. Also seen was Yariv Levin Minister of Tourism, Former Minister of Justice, MK Tzipi Livni , Tal Brody, Goodwill Ambassador and former Captain of Maccabi Tel Aviv Basketball Team and his wife Tirzah,  from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs :  Ambassador Shlomo Morgan from the Protocol Department and ambassador Raphael Gamzou Deputy Director General Head of the Division for Cultural and Scientific Affairs . The guest of honor was President Reuven Ruvi Rivlin.

The official program commenced with the playing of the National Anthem of China and Hatikvah, respectively.

Following that, the Chinese Ambassador delivered his speech.

He shared China’s strategic vision of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively deepening reform, promoting the rule of law and enforcing strict party discipline. He went on to state that in order to realize that dream China will carry on reform and opening up. It will continue to secure progress while maintaining stability and keep the economy develop at a reasonable range.

On the diplomatic level, he added, “China will adhere to the diplomatic doctrines of Peace development and cooperation maintain the opening up strategy of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation and strive for a harmonious world of lasting Peace and prosperity.

The Ambassador also stressed the sound and steady relationship between China and Israel, the strengthening of political mutual trust and the expanding economic and trade links.”


A short movie featuring members of the Chinese Jewish community who arrived there as refugees from Germany, their contributions and the close relations with members of the Chinese society was presented.



President Rivlin spoke next. He thanked the Ambassador for his warm welcome and likewise stressed the close friendship between the two countries, a friendship reflected in mutual understanding, one that honors and respects the oldest of traditions but produces the modern technology and economic development. “I am especially proud,” the President added, “of the cooperation between our two governments and our peoples on issues such as environment, agriculture, and energy. We will work together for a better and more prosperous future for all our children, for the whole world.”

Both presidents raised a toast to the Jewish New Year and to a promising future of joined efforts of the two countries.




The performance program that followed included a few dances, a Chinese Martial art show and a Tea Show.

A traditional dinner of delectable Chinese dishes was served and brought the evening to an end.


The executive director and staff of www.diplomacy.co.il join in congratulating the government and the people of China on their national day celebrations.


Photos Silvia G Golan

 Photo Dancers by Tal Brody




 Photo Dancers by Tal Brody









To commemorate the Day of the Hispanic Heritage, the Ambassador of Spain in Israel, Mr. Fernando Carderera and his wife Victoria, offered a reception at their residence in Herzlia Pituach.


Numerous ambassadors of foreign countries and diplomats , representatives of the Israeli army and attachés of various embassies attended the event , as well as delegates of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, directors of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Association of Friends Israel - Spain and representatives of various political and commercial sectors. Among the guests we could see the businessman Gad Propper, Prof. Aviva Doron and journalist Henrique Cymermann.


Typical Spanish tapas were served during the event, amongst them the tortilla, ham, cheese and chicken balls, all these were accompanied by excellent Spanish wines and Cava.
Separately, in the terrace located on the first floor was served kosher food that included some specialties prepared for the event.


The Ambassador addressed the guests announcing that his speech would be short this year in order to have the opportunity to show a video about Spain. After the video, the national anthems of Israel and Spain were sung.


The Ambassador continued his speech stressing that "Spain is a key country in the history of Judaism. Our relations are bound to be both complex and intense, because so was our history. The Ambassador stressed in Hebrew and afterwards in English and Spanish: "we are proud of our common culture, our similar origins and the shared heritage of Sepharad. That's why we want to strengthen the ties in the fields of culture, education, science, new technologies and research, trade and investment.


There is a growing presence of Spanish companies in Israel. Valoriza is about to finish a desalination plant in Ashdod. Abengoa is building solar power plants. Telefónica has its own subsidiary in Israel, Unión Fenosa Gas is interested in buying gas from Tamar and several Spanish companies would like to participate in the preparations of the project for national infrastructure.

The recession has ended and the Spanish economy is growing again with an increasing GDP above the average growth in the euro zone. The new standard in the Spanish economy is based on competitiveness and the external sector acting as an engine of growth. As a result, confidence in the Spanish economy has been restored with a very important reduction in our risk premium. Unemployment remains too high and we need to reduce the national debt, but Spain has a diversified economy, skilled job employees and very strong companies.


Spanish companies are world leaders in key sectors such as renewable energy, management infrastructure and construction, ICT, high-speed railways, financial services, biotechnology, naval technology, environmental technology and space and aerial systems, among others".

Again, the Ambassador stressed in Hebrew and in English: "we want to use all these potentialities to do business with Israel and cooperate with you in all possible sectors.


We share your mourning for the casualties and the injured during operation "Protective Edge".

My country has heavily invested in joining international efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. We fully support the effective guarantees for the security of Israel, and we are committed to a two-State solution, through direct negotiations, including the creation of a viable Palestinian State that recognizes Israel."


Before concluding, he expressed his thanks to the sponsors: Valoriza Agua, Freixenet and the Spanish Ministry of Defence. to his wife, and to all the employees at the Embassy.
He also commented on the food offered at the event: Spanish tapas, including an excellent ham and cheese brought from Spain specially for the occasion, and a kosher area, and not less the Spanish wine and Cava. He invited the Minister and the rest of the guests to join in a toast wishing a long life and well-being to both heads of State, his Excellency the President Reuven Rivlin and his Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain, as well as for the mutual friendship.


Afterwards, expressed the representative of the Israeli Government, Minister for matters relating to the 3rd age, Ori Orbach: "Economic cooperation, with particular emphasis on research and development, is one of the most important interfaces between the peoples of Spain and Israel. Both countries have common interests in areas of global importance, such as renewable energy and the use of natural resources. Our two vibrant nations are blessed with a large young population highly skilled, creative and innovative. In concrete terms, this means that in the coming years we will see an intensified cooperation and a relationship increasingly strong on the economy, the...... and technology.


Spain and Israel also are reaping the benefits of their joint efforts to enhance bilateral cultural relations, which draw even more closer our two peoples. We have opened new paths, the Israeli arts, music, cinema and dance have won recognition all over Spain. This year Israel was invited to participate in the Barcelona Design Fair, where thousands of visitors had the opportunity to see the capabilities of Israel in this field. This month, an exhibition by the outstanding Israeli artist Sigalit Landau, will be inaugurated in Spain, and about two weeks ago the famous Spanish dancer and choreographer José Porcel and his company presented his show at the Suzanne Dellal Centre in Tel Aviv. These are just a few typical examples of uninterrupted cultural activity".


He jokingly commented on an incident about the naming of a street in the northern part of Israel, where the name of Yehuda Levi was to be removed in order to name the street after the father of a former local mayor. The problem was finally resolved by replacing part of the ¨Hashalom¨ street (The Peace) by that of the Spanish Rabbi Yehuda Levi, since this combination of both seemed to be the most appropriate.


After this the Minister continued his speech by expressing the following : "the time is too short to address the broad spectrum of cultural ties that go much further back in history, when the Jewish culture was an integral part of Spanish culture. Each of our peoples left one decisive mark over the other during the golden age, and we are now enjoying the products of cultural diversity of both Nations. Israel and Spain have many shared values and have come a long way together to promote peace in the Middle East. Let me state that the former Spanish Foreign Minister was one of the first leaders to declare publicly in the UN General Assembly that Israel has the right to live in security and supported the idea of a two State solution. Israel regards Spain as an important ally and an ideological partner in many fields. Israel also publicly supports the candidacy of Spain to occupy a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council in 2015-2016.


Unfortunately, both Israel and Spain, have been and continue to be victims of jihadist terrorism, and our cooperation in this area is more essential than ever. We hope that the visit of the Spanish Minister of Defence will be materialized soon, and we truly believe that it will contribute to the strengthening of ties between our two countries in this field. Similarly, we expect the visit of the Spanish Interior Minister, which is scheduled to lead a business delegation to an international exhibition about "National Security" that will take place within the next two months. Israel, Spain and the Western world are facing multiple and formidable challenges, and only by force of union we will be able to succeed and ensure a better future for the young generations on our two countries.


Spain and Israel are located on opposite sides of the Mediterranean See, and they are the only Western democracies that have land borders with Africa. Over the centuries, these geographic facts have created many similarities in both populations and give rise to common interests in fields such as the struggle against terrorism, trafficking of persons and dealing with illegal immigration. These issues also make it imperative for us to strengthen our professional cooperation in order to obtain solutions that ensure our future and the future of the generations to come.


The solid friendship between our peoples and nations means that we need to tackle difficult and even painful topics with honesty. We are fully convinced that the Spanish leaders, struggling against racism, will clearly and unequivocally condemn the recent anti-Semitic manifestations that we witnessed during the operation "Protective Edge" , when, unfortunately, the Spanish public received a distorted image of the events in Gaza. These are the currents of events that have circulated throughout Europe, and only a very strong public stand against them and a decisive action against their perpetrators may neutralize this fact.


This year, the Spanish national holiday falls on the Jewish holidays of Sukkot, also known as the Feast of the Harvest, one of the oldest festivals in Judaic history. It is a festival that marks the end of the agricultural cycle and the hope for rain that will lead to additional seasons of abundance".

The Minister concluded his speech by wishing the citizens and the Government of Spain many years of prosperity and expressed the sincere wish that relations between the two countries be also blessed with abundance, that both countries will be able to enjoy the privilege of tasting the sweet fruits of bi-national cooperation and a strong friendship between their peoples. And that they be blessed with years of peace.


Photo  Silvia Golan