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President Peres:  

"Europe is threatened by the terror and nuclear aspirations of Iran – not just Israel"

 Chairperson of European Friends of Israel, MEP Marek Siwiec:

 "For the benefit of the European Union and our member states we seek a future of cooperation with Israel."



The President of the State of Israel, President Shimon Peres, met with parliamentarians from the European Friends of Israel including from Poland, Holland, Belgium and Finland. President Peres addressed some of the criticism leveled at Israel and the challenges Israel must face, foremost the threat of a nuclear Iran and a return to negotiations with the Palestinians. President Peres said, "Israel was founded 65 years ago and has since undergone seven wars, I do not know of any other country that withstood that kind of threat and paid such a heavy price in terms of human lives – and so I ask those that criticize us, how would you act in our place? The State of Israel yearns for peace with its neighbors – we signed peace deals with Egypt and Jordan and we returned great areas of land."

 President Peres stressed that the State of Israel searches for total peace with her neighbors the Palestinians and said that peace is possible and the gaps between the sides are not great, "We tried to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians based upon the two state solution, two states for two nations. We left Gaza and uprooted 8000 settlers from their homes. I know the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, he is a man of peace and I believe that a solution can be found."


Addressing the Iranian threat President Peres said, "I have great respect for the Iranian people but it is the Iranian leadership which is funding Hezbollah and other terror groups which carry out attacks across the world, including in Europe. Iran is not threatened by the nations of the world but Iran does not respect international agreements and threatens the entire world. We do not want to reach the point where Iran has nuclear weapons and Syria has chemical weapons." President Peres added that Europe has the ability to help the nations of the world and serve as a role model, despite the economic crisis, "The Middle East is undergoing change, and we see young people suffering from hunger, discrimination and unemployment. Israel is only a small part of the Middle East, but I believe that Europe and Israel should extend a hand of assistance to those countries who wish it. We should work together for a better future for the State of Israel and the entire Middle East."


President Peres thanked the European Friends of Israel parliamentarians for standing by Israel and working to increase the diplomatic and strategic cooperation between Israel and the European Union, "I thank you for all that you do for Israel and for judging reality professionally and with the facts – your friendship is important to the State of Israel. The Chairperson of the European Friends of Israel, MEP Marek Siwiec, thanked President Peres and said, "For the benefit of the European Union and our member states we seek a future of cooperation with Israel."


Following the meeting, President Peres continued to special exhibition in the European Parliament in which, alongside President Rosen Plevneliev of Bulgaria, he officially opened an exhibition marking 70 years since the Jews of Bulgaria were saved.


President Plevneliev of Bulgaria said, "Bulgaria remembers the extremist dogmas of history so as to ensure they are not repeated. Today, here, we are not only remembering but standing by our values – the European Union is a project of peace. The memory of the Holocaust shall not fade. This exhibition is dedicated to the goodness of humanity. I am proud to be president of a country that remembers history."



President Peres thanked President Plevneliev and said, "The saving of Bulgaria's Jews is a badge of honor for Bulgaria and that will stay with you forever. I am proud to open this exhibition here in the European parliament and I know that Europe today won't let the memory of the Holocaust be forgotten. I salute the leadership of Europe and every person that took action and saved lives during the Holocaust.


President Peres is scheduled to conduct diplomatic work meetings with the Prime Minister of Belgium, Mr. Elio Di Rupo, and with the President of the European Council, Mr. Herman Van Rumpoy.


The President of the State of Israel, President Shimon Peres, met with the Prime Minister of Belgium, Mr. Elio Di Rupo, and the President of the European Council, Mr. Herman Van Rompuy.

Photo Credit: Moshe Milner/GPO