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About 100 by-invitation-only guests gathered on Saturday evening at the elegant Savyon residence of Samuel Schlesinger, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia, for a musical soiree. This was concert number 13 in the series that the Croation Consul arranges for guests. The event showcased a special appearance by the Kir Stefan Serb Choir of the St. Sava Orthodox Church in Toronto, Canada, under the leadership of Conductor and Artistic Director Ms. Jasmina Vučurović.



The concert, “Sacred Music in the Holy Land” was the last in a series of appearances by the choir on their pilgrimage to Israel. The choir had sang in various churches, including in Acco, Nazareth and Jerusalem, always ensuring that their choice of hymns and psalms and biblical selections were appropriate to the Saint of each church. And when they visited King David’s tomb, for example, the choir chose to sing some of the many Psalms of David.


The 21 men and women of the choir were warmly received and generously applauded by the appreciative audience. The women, all in black dresses offset by strings of pearls; the men in black suits with black bowties setting off their white shirts, sang a selection hymns, psalms and prayers, all under the artful conductorship of Ms. Vučurović. Several of the pieces featured stirring solo selections, giving the artists an opportunity to display virtuoso performances.

photos Andrija Dimitrijevic/ www.ADPhotografe.com


Among the visitors at the Consul’s home were his “special” guests, a group of disabled IDF veterans. Mr. Schlesinger has a long tradition of inviting the army veterans to Croatian Consular parties and events at his home, in recognition of the sacrifice the soldiers made in defense of the country.

photos Andrija Dimitrijevic/ www.ADPhotografe.com

In a short private interview with your Diplomacy correspondent, after the event, Mr. Schlesinger explained the apparent anomaly of a Christian Serbian choir, from Canada, singing at a Croatian event, in Israel: “As Honorary Consul, I see it as an integral part of my position to try and break down barriers between nations, faiths, religions and races. What better way than by sharing beautiful music?”

