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Mr. Prime Minister of the State of Israel,

We are living in exceptional times, and a tragedy took place here that was itself exceptional.

We are joined by the ministers of the French government, the representatives of the State of Israel, our ambassadors, the representatives of the Jewish community here in Toulouse and in France, locally elected representatives, the mayor of Toulouse and parliamentarians. All those who contribute to the public spirit.

We are here together because seven and a half months ago, here, in front of this school, a terrorist as brutal as he was cowardly killed Jonathon Sandler, 30, his two children Arieh and Gabriel, as well as Myriam Monsonego, the principal's daughter, and seriously injured a 16 year old boy, Aaron Bijaoui. That was on March 19, 2012. France was horrified by this tragedy. I came to Toulouse that day to express my sympathy. I can still see the grief and sadness on the faces of the principal and his wife. I remember the parents who welcomed me, torn between dignity - the only way to respond to the barbarity - and their concerns about who, how, why....I can still hear the cries and tears, I also remember the courage of those parents, those students. I have never forgotten them and I will never forget them.

Today, I return as President of the Republic to the same buildings, to this school, your school, to remember the victims and share the grief of the families with the Prime Minister of Israel.

These children of France now rest in Jerusalem. Our two countries, our two peoples, join in remembering them.
Mr. Prime Minister, you represent a country created in the aftermath of the Holocaust to serve as a haven for the Jews. That's why whenever a Jew is targeted for being Jewish, Israel is concerned. That is the meaning of your presence here. I understand it, I applaud it, and I welcome you.
As I stand before you – parents, representatives, elected officials, and you, Mr. Prime Minister – I want to remind you of France's determination to tirelessly combat anti-Semitism.
Every manifestation of it – actions as well as words – will be wiped out.
It will be rooted out everywhere, including from the causes it hides behind, which provide it with a pretext or a mask.
Anti-Semitism will be hunted down by all possible means wherever it spreads, particularly on social networks where hatred is cloaked in anonymity.
The Jews of France must know that the Republic is doing everything to protect them. Guaranteeing their security is a national cause. It is not just a Jewish issue, but an issue that concerns the entire French nation. For schools, this guarantee must be a priority, because no child should be afraid of going to class, no parent should be afraid of letting his children leave for school.
Before this ceremony, a child asked me: How much longer will police officers stand at the entrance to our school? I replied: As long as necessary. And with as much strength as requested. And throughout France, wherever there's a threat or a risk.
But the aim of the Republic is for police officers to never again have to stand in front of schools.
My country is merciless when it comes to terrorism.
Its honor depends on conducting this battle without ever renouncing its principles.
The tragedy in Toulouse revealed certain flaws in the organization of our educational system. A report was commissioned by the Interior Ministry. I pledge to you once again, before the families, before the people of France, that the entire truth will come to light. We must learn every lesson we can from this tragedy and break the mechanisms that lead to terrorism as quickly as possible.
That is why our government has just introduced a bill that expands our means of action. We will be intransigent with those who have been shown to frequent certain zones nurtured by the worst ideologies of hate. All of our services are and will remain mobilized to intervene.
But it is our unity that is our principal strength.
It was unity, beyond our differences, that led us to gather together on March 19, regardless of our political leanings. We were right in the middle of the presidential campaign, and all families were aware that the entire, stricken Republic had mobilized; that people of all religions, all beliefs, and all political leanings were standing together to offer solidarity to the families and to forcefully condemn terrorism.
Today, once again, we must stand united to fight fanaticism and reject false conflations. Radical Islam is not Islam. And we must ensure that everyone in the Republic is protected, regardless of origin, belief or religion. This freedom of conscience is guaranteed by the secularism underpinning our Republic.
Terrorism concerns all French citizens, because the individual who murdered Jews in this school had deliberately fired on three soldiers a few days earlier.
I want to bring their names into this ceremony: Imad Ibn-Ziaten, Abel Chennouf, Mohamed Legouad. Three men who had chosen to serve their homeland and who fell because they were wearing the uniform of our army.
Mr. Prime Minister, we are here side by side because our two peoples stand united and in solidarity in the face of this tragedy.
We are here together because, with this ceremony, we want to pay tribute to the victims, to all the victims of anti-Semitism, racism and terroris.

We are here together at this school to express a simple message that must be heard beyond the two of us, beyond this place: Life is stronger than everything and gives way before no threat, no ordeal, no tragedy. The parents here today demonstrate this. They have faith in their school, they have remained and they have faith in France.

I also want to note how the parents of the victims who spoke out showed strength, courage and dignity; how they set an example. We will remember their words, which offer so many lessons in human behavior. What a wonderful demonstration of humanity after the deep wound you have suffered.

November 1 in France is the day we celebrate the dead. November 1 will also be synonymous with our gathering here at this school, Ohr Torah, which is a symbol: a symbol of suffering, inconsolable suffering, but at the same time, a symbol of hope, of unwavering hope. It is this suffering that leads us to act yet again with strength and vigilance, and it is this hope that France will be worthy of, for you, in the years to come.

Thank you.