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On 12 November 2012, Dutch Architect Kamiel Klaasse was keynote speaker at Bezalel Academy’s ‘Ivory Tower Conference’ on architecture that took place on the 49th level of the Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv. The goal of the conference was to generate a contextual discussion on high-rise building and density in a time of social and ecological crisis. As the Netherlands is a country with a growing lack of available land reserves that uses innovating architectural solutions to deal with its density, Dutch architect Kamiel Klaasse was invited to present some of his work as case-studies of such solutions.

Ambassador of the Netherlands to Israel, Mr. Caspar Veldkamp concluded the day with a speech: “I am very happy to see that the close cooperation between Israel and the Netherlands extends into the field of architecture. Both our countries are increasingly visible throughout the world with the work of our architects and designers. But it is also our trademark innovative solutions that make us stand out from the crowd. Kamiel Klaasse’s innovative architectural solutions and Bezalel’s commitment to redefining the architect’s field of knowledge and responsibilities in the constantly-changing global environment, prove this point yet again.”