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President Peres:  "We have to pray together for the end of the terrible bloodshed in our region,
and make the region a place where people walk together hand in hand."

 "On September 8th, 1943 the Germans occupied Assisi. Assisi, headed by its local Bishop and his friars, used their monastery as a shelter to save Jewish refugees.  Thank you from the depth of our hearts."

 The mayor of Assisi:  "The city of Assisi sees in you, Shimon Peres, as a promoter of the values of peace and dialogue"The President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, received the "Honorary Citizenship of Peace" of the city of Assisi, the symbol of peace in Italy, at a ceremony which was attended by the Mayor of Assisi, dignitaries and hundreds Franciscan friars. During the ceremony President Peres received the unique award and the key to the city of Assisi for the first time in history. Assisi, the birthplace of St. Francis, was filled with thousands of tourists, Franciscan choirs, dancing troupes and more.

PM Netanyahu Meets with Delegation of Senior Members of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Wednesday, 1 May 2013), met with a delegation of senior members of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA.)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, today (Tuesday, 30 April 2013), at the start of their meeting, inscribed two verses from the Bible in the framework of the "World Inscribes the Bible" project.

Prime Minister Netanyahu inscribed Isaiah 2:4 – "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Serbian President Nikolic chose Psalm 85:11-12 – "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs out of the earth; and righteousness has looked down from heaven."

Prime Minister Netanyahu and Serbian President received certificates attesting to their participation in the project. The latter is the first Balkan head of state to participate in the project. The Prime Minister of Canada, the Pope and the President of Panama are among the world leaders who have participated in the project.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today , made the following remarks at the start of his meeting with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic:

"Today we struck at one of those involved in the criminal firing of rockets at Eilat. I said that we would not ignore this; our action is in continuation of our policy. We will not accept the sporadic firing of rockets from either the Gaza Strip or Sinai. We will act, and are acting, in order to defend Israeli citizens. I would also like to express my condolences and those of the entire country to the family of Evyatar Borovsky. The terrorist who perpetrated the murder has been captured and we will continue to act on this front as well in order to defend our citizens."

President Peres invited Pope Francis to visit Israel on an official state visit

 President Peres:

 "The Lord did not give anyone the authority to murder and to carry out bloodshed"

 "The Pope has an important role in progressing peace in the Middle East and the whole world"

 Pope Francis:

 Anti-Semitism goes against Christianity – as Pope I will not tolerate any expression of anti-Semitism