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The President of the State of Israel, President Shimon Peres, commented on the interview given by the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, to Israel's Channel 2 news: "The Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, has proven through his deeds and his words that Israel has a real partner for peace. Abu Mazen rejects terrorism, guarantees that under his leadership he won't allow the outbreak of a violent third intifada, understands that the solution to the Palestinian refugee issue cannot be in Israel's territory and to the detriment of Israel's character, and stretches out his hand to Israel to restart negotiations."

The President of the State of Israel, President Shimon Peres, will depart on Tuesday 6th November for a state visit in Russia as a guest of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and will represent the State of Israel at the inauguration ceremony of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow. At the ceremony President Peres and President Putin will deliver speeches in front of assembled guests and the media.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the two presidents will meet in the Kremlin for a work meeting with the aim of strengthening and expanding the strategic, security and diplomatic relations between the Israel and Russia.

President Peres to Prime Minister Monti of Italy:
It seems these unprecedented sanctions are beginning to have an effect. We must stop Iran being a center of terror and a danger to humanity, the civilian way is preferable to a military option but all options remain on the table.

Prime Minister Monti to President Peres:
Although Italy is further away from Iran geographically, we are no less concerned about the threat from Iran. That is why we have played a central role in the sanctions on Iran.


CHICAGO, Oct. 29, 2012 – United Airlines today extended the period during which customers whose flights were delayed or cancelled as a result of east coast weather may rebook their itineraries without fee.

"Columbus Day" is celebrated on October 12 in Spain and all South American countries. The name of this national holiday, "Columbus Day", commemorates the landfall day in the "New World" (America) for the sailor Rodrigo de Triana in 1492 and the famous voyages of Christopher Columbus.
Spain's new ambassador to Israel, Mr. Fernando Carderera and his charming wife Victoria hosted a reception to celebrate this important date at their Herzlia Pituach residence.
The gracious hosts, led by Mrs. Carderera, paid close attention to every detail, treating their guests to a rich choice of typical Spanish delicacies such as the inevitable "tortilla de papas", cheeses, Spanish tapas, and an excellent ham. Beverages included champagne and wines brought from Spain especially for the occasion. Of course there was also a table of kosher dishes.