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On Monday,30 September, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the State of Israel, H.E. Ms. Veronika Kuchynova Smiglova, in collaboration with Beit Theresientstadt, hosted a commemorative concert entitled " Spreading Oriya's Light - Kaddish Oriya Terezin" at her residence in Herzliya Pituach.

Dr. Tami Kinberg, Director of Beit Theresienstadt, Martyrs Remembrance Association, which is a museum founded in 1975 located on Kibbutz Givat Haim in Emek Hefer Dr. Tami Kinberg spoke on the commemorative concert with Hannie Ricardo, a mezzo soprano and mother of Oriya,a 26 year old manicurist murderd at the Nova festival while making her escape. 
H.E. Ms Veronika Kuchynova Smigolova, the Czech ambassador welcomed everyone present to the event mentioning that it is not a normal national day celebration since the Embassy decided that it was inappropriate to celebrate when Israel is at war."I felt that, close to October 7, we should remember the beautiful people the world lost on that day".Many people that were invited today were not present due to having been mobilized. The axis of evil includes Russia, North Korea, Iran and its proxies Hamas, Hizbollah and the Houthies but there is also another axis of evil that is less easily defined which cuts through people's brains and brings anti Semitism, double standards and the willingness to sacrifice Israel.Evil cannot be appeased or coexisted with and has to be fought and destroyed. The path Israel took after the 7th of October is the right one. If Israel didn't defeat the Evil, the sacrifices of the loved ones of our friends present here and many other great people would be in vain.    
The Czech Republic is a friend of Israel, in good times and in bad times. "My Minister of Foreign Affairs was the first foreign leader to visit Israel after the tragic event to express support, soon after that the Prime Minister, President and other high ranking officials also visited Israel". Czech leaders raise our voice in international institutions in support of Israel and we can raise our hands when voting takes place as did our then Minister of Foreign Affairs when he voted in support of the establishment of the State of Israel.  
Karin Elfasi, Mother of the massacred 22 year old Czech - Israeli victim,Oran Alfasi, who had dual citizenship, briefly spoke of her son's tragic and untimely death.
Hannie Ricardo,a therapist and Mother of the martyred, Oriya said that in life one has two choices either to live, no matter what, or not to.She opted for the first choice. In her daughter's memory, she composed a song, "Kaddish", in memory of her daughter.Two commemorative concerts are scheduled for October to be performed at the Jerusalem Theatre and at the Tel Aviv Performing Art Centre.  
Hannie, who is a talented mezzo, sang four songs accompanied by keyboard. She had a close relationship with Prof. David Bloch, a researcher on the music composed and performed in Theresienstadt concentration camp. She performed a song by Adolf Strauss who was an inmate in Theresienstadt. Another song she sang was sung composed by James Simon, a German Jewish composer from Berlin who performed on Mt. Scopus in 1937 and had a sister living in Palestine.
 Among many distinguished guests was Mr. David Hersky, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in Israel who is also head of the Israel - Czech Chamber of Commerce and representative of Skoda Transport here.Mr. Haim Koren, former  Israeli ambassador to Egypt also graced us with his presence.
A selection of canopies were served and after the official ceremony and concert a scrumptious buffet catered by Cafe Prague,Tel Aviv was served.
 www.diplomacy.co.il  congratulates the government of the Czech Republic and the Embassy on the forthcoming national day of independence and expresses its deep appreciation for their loyal and unswerving friendship
Photos Lior Sattarov