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100 Years of Knowledge  Hebrew University Celebrates its 100th Cornerstone Anniversary


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) is proud to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding in 1918.  The festivities coincide with HUJI’s 2018 Board of Governors meetings on June 8-13.

Not long after the end of World War I, the British Empire granted permission to create a Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  On July 24, 1918, Lord Edmund Allenby, Zeev Jabotinsky, Chaim Weizmann, and James Rothschild, along with 6,000 other dignitaries—both Jewish and non-Jewish, from Israel and abroad—gathered atop Mount Scopus to lay the cornerstones for Hebrew University.  They placed 12 stones, corresponding to the 12 Tribes of Israel, firmly in the ground and the rest, as they say, is 100 years of history, innovation, growth and vision. 




Cedar & Son at the Jerusalem Cinematheque

Saturday, June 9 at 9 pm

An inter-generational dialogue between HUJI prof. Haim Cedar and his award-winning filmmaker son, Joseph Cedar (Director: Norman, Footnote).


HUJI Talks: To 100 and Beyond

Sunday, June 10 at 1015am (Dan Hotel- Mt Scopus)

Speakers include philosopher Yuval Noah Harari and medical marijuana expert Raphael Mechoulam, among others.


President Reuven Rivlin Honors Israeli Excellence 

Tuesday, June 12 at 10 am (President of Israel’s Residence)

A reception honoring HUJI Nobel, Fields and Israel Prize winners.


Ceremony: Re-dedicating the Cornerstones

Tuesday, June 12 at 7 pm (Ferkauf Plaza, Mt. Scopus Campus)

HUJI friends from around the world, some in period dress, will enter a time capsule with blessings for the University’s next 100 years of vision and innovation.  Current HUJI professors, including Sergio Della Pergola, whose grandparents attended the original 1925 cornerstone event will be in attendance, as will several families that have been studying at the Hebrew University for 3 generations—i.e., grandparents, parents and now, grandchildren. 


 A complete list of HUJI Anniversary events: http://hubog-2018.com/


Photo from the 1918 Cornerstone Ceremony:  Credit: Hebrew University