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YU Launches New Mental Health Therapy Center in Israel Center Fills Void for English-speakers Amid Mental Health Pressures Such as Covid

The exciting official inauguration of the new center was held Yesterday at 3 Natan Strauss Street, Jerusalem.

To fill a critical need for affordable, English-language mental health services in Israel, Yeshiva University (YU), together with Amudim Israel, has opened for the first time the Jerusalem Therapy Center.

The official thrilling inauguration of the new center was held yesterday at 3 Natan Strauss Street, Jerusalem.

Among the dignitaries that attended the event: The president of the Yeshiva University, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, the Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, CEO and Co-Founder of Amudim, Rabbi Zvi Gluck; Executive Director YU in Israel,

Stephanie Strauss; Director of Amudim Israel, Yossi Golberstein ; Director of Wurzweiler YU in Israel, Nechama Munk;

 MK Michal Woldiger; Jerusalem's deputy mayor, Fleur Hassan Nahoum and more.



Providing professional care for English speakers, gap-year students, and Israelis, the Center will offer mental health counseling that has become ever more important during prolonged lockdowns and

affiliated stresses caused by the Covid 19 pandemic and other factors. 

The Center will be run in partnership with YU’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work and Amudim Israel, a social services organization serving individuals and families impacted by trauma,

addiction, and other complex mental health-related issues. Staffed by Wurzweiler graduate students, recent graduates, and other professionals who specialize in a variety of modalities and concentrations

such as addiction, anxiety, and trauma, the Center will address the pressing mental health needs of English-speaking immigrants — from those suffering psychologically from the pandemic to gap-year students

away from home for the first time and new immigrants struggling to adjust to life in Israel.

The president of Yeshiva University, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, said that the important and exciting collaboration between the Amudim Association and Yeshiva University resulted in the establishment of the new Mental Health Therapy in Jerusalem,

which is an important pillar in Yeshiva University's projects and vision to strengthen the connection between the Diaspora and the State of Israel.

CEO and Co-Founder of Amudim, Rabbi Zvi Gluck, said that "Creating this center will surely help many who need it and did not have access previously. Amudim Israel's partnership with Yeshiva University is only the beginning

of a long road, working together to provide much-needed services to those in need".

Nechama Munk, a director of Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work :“Our community is in real need of mental health services. One of our basic values is to help those in need,

and the Therapy Center will be here to offer relief and hope. Getting good, affordable treatment is challenging for all Israelis, and even more so when your mother tongue isn’t Hebrew.”

In the photo (33): Left to right: The president of the Yeshiva University, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, the Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, CEO and Co-Founder of Amudim, Rabbi Zvi Gluck

Visit the YU Web site at www.yu.edu.

Photo credit: Michael Katz