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The President of the State of Israel will deliver a historic speech before the European Parliament in Strasbourg

 The speech will be the first by an Israeli leader in the European parliament in its current format which includes 754 members from the 27 European Union countries
During the visit President Peres will meet with Heads of State from European countries and the senior leadership from the European Union. President Peres will also deliver a speech before the general forum of the OECD and a special economic forum coming together for President Peres' visit and being coordinated by the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso.

The President of the State of Israel, President Shimon Peres, will depart on Tuesday 5th March for a visit to the European Union (Brussels, Paris and Strasbourg) and will deliver a historic speech in front of the 754 members of European Parliament in Strasbourg (12th March). President Peres will be the first Israeli leader to speak before this forum in its current format.


During the visit President Peres will meet with heads of state including the President of France, Francois Hollande, the Prime Minister of Belgium Elio Di Rupo and the President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev as well as with the leaders of the European Union including the president of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and the president of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy. The meetings will take place in the context of the inquiry into the terror attack in Bulgaria which found that Hezbollah was responsible for the bombing and the subsequent discussions within Europe on the consequences.


President Peres will also hold strategic meetings with the Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rsmussen and the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria before delivering a speech to the senior economic forum of the OECD which will include hundreds of representatives of global companies. President Peres will lay out his vision for the role of global companies in creating change in the Middle East.